maandag 27 juli 2015

My MAC collection

Today I thought I'd share my lipstick collection by MAC with you. I don't have a lot of these because they're quite expensive, but some of them are just irresistible.

It all started with just one. Two years ago, I wanted a nudy-pink everyday lipstick because my lips are naturally quite pale. I went into a thousand stores but found nothing I really wanted. And then I found 'Lovelorn' in MAC. It was all I searched for, exactly what I wanted, and even though it was 19 euros, I thought it was worth the price.

Then around Christmas, I wanted a dark dark red lipcolour to go with my christmasdress, and also that was quite a difficult search. While I was on a weekendtrip, I quickly ran in a MAC store, and yes indeed, there was that perfect red I was looking for, named 'Diva'.

And then a few weeks ago, I went shopping with a friend and she has this huge MAC collection, so of course, we stopped in MAC to buy her a new lipstick. Then she convinced me to try a new colour, so I asked the shop assistent to help me pick a colour. The first she put on my lips was called 'Captive', and I really liked this one.

But I also wanted to try another one, so she gave me something different, and that was 'Viva Glam Miley Cyrus', a limited edition lipstick that was sold for charity. Now I'm not a huge fan of Miley, but I really liked that packaging (I mean, it's pink, says it all), so I bought the two lipsticks. (It was one of those yolo-moments)

So that's it, that is my lipstick collection by MAC.
I hope you liked this blogpost :)


zaterdag 25 juli 2015

A new start

Hey everyone,

I know I haven't been writing lately, but that was because I had so much things to do for school. But since it's summerholiday at the moment, I decided I wanted to give this blog another try.
I'll try to upload a blog post every single week, but I'm not too sure if that's going to be possible. At least I'll just try my very best.

I hope you understand the situation, and if I don't get any readers, that's fine. I just do this for fun :)
