dinsdag 8 september 2015

Lush Haul - Oxford St. Exclusives

Of course I had to go to the huge Lush store on Oxford Street when I was in London. I mean, I'm in love with Lush, so this big store full exclusive products was just like heaven to me. I picked up a few things that I can't get here in Belgium.

First thing I bought was the Intergalactic. It's a bleu bath bomb but inside, it has a huge palet of colours so it looks like a rainbow when you drop it in the bath. It also has glitter on it, so it's perfect for when you're going to a party and you want to look flawless and smell incredibly good.

Next thing I picked up was this bath bomb, called The Experimenter. I saw a lot of videos on youtube and instagram of people using this bath bomb and it made me soooo excited that I just had to buy it when I was in London. The experimenter has a unusual shape for a bath bomb, which makes it even cooler. The smell of this bath bomb is not my favorite but it's not bad at all!

This last bath bomb I bought is named Frozen, and I was so excited for this! Not only for the name, but the smell of this thing is just heaven. I can't wait to take a bath with this Frozen bath bomb. Another thing which made this bath bomb even more awesome, was the text on the packaging: "Do you want to have a bath bomb? Do you want to splash and play?..." I mean, you just sing it as in "Do you want to build a snowman", and I find that just great!

Then the next thing I found amazing is this bubble bar in the shape of a milk bottle (Milky bath). I mean, how cute is that?! And it makes you're bath so soft and relaxing. I absolutely love this in my bath. Also the smell is lovely and the little sparkly top makes it just perfect!

Last but not least is this Pink Flamingo. It's also a bubble bar and you basicly just stir in your bath with this and it turns it pink and full of bubbles. It's smells quite sweet and I don't always like that, but I have those days that I just love sweet smells and then a bath with this flamingo is great!

That was everything I picked up in Lush Oxford St. 

Let me know which Lush article you recommend!


vrijdag 14 augustus 2015

The London life

Hello everyone,

Last week, I went to London for a few days together with my mum. In 2014, I went to this wonderful city twice, and I just wanted to go there again this year because I'm in love with this city, and because my mum had never been there, I was her perfect personal guide. 
On our way there I made a plan to spend our days. 

Day 1: We settled in our hotel, went to British museum (which is my absolute favorite museum in the whole world!) and after that, we went shopping in Primark and Lush on Oxford Street. In the evening, we went to St. Pauls Cathedral and Shakespeare's globe. 


Day 2: This was our busiest day. We wanted to visit all the touristic places in just one day. Big Ben, London eye, Parliament square, through St. James Park to Buckingham Palace, over the Mall to Picadilly Circus, Leicester square and SOHO, back to Oxford street, because I wanted to make a quick stop in Waterstones (JamesAndFriends was released that day!). After dinner, we took a random bus to see even more places in London, and by the time we came back to our hotel, we couldn't feel our feet anymore.

Day 3: Already our last day in London (crying out loud). We went to Harrods, for the first time in my life, then through Hyde Park to the Serpentine Gallery, which is sooo pretty, then we picknicked in Hyde Park next to the statue of Peter Pan. After that, we went back to British museum again, and there we just sat in front of the museum, enjoying the sun, because the weather was lovely. After this amazing day, we had to go back to the hotel to pack our bags and go to St. Pancras to catch our train back home.



We had the most amazing times, and I can't wait to go back there!


maandag 27 juli 2015

My MAC collection

Today I thought I'd share my lipstick collection by MAC with you. I don't have a lot of these because they're quite expensive, but some of them are just irresistible.

It all started with just one. Two years ago, I wanted a nudy-pink everyday lipstick because my lips are naturally quite pale. I went into a thousand stores but found nothing I really wanted. And then I found 'Lovelorn' in MAC. It was all I searched for, exactly what I wanted, and even though it was 19 euros, I thought it was worth the price.

Then around Christmas, I wanted a dark dark red lipcolour to go with my christmasdress, and also that was quite a difficult search. While I was on a weekendtrip, I quickly ran in a MAC store, and yes indeed, there was that perfect red I was looking for, named 'Diva'.

And then a few weeks ago, I went shopping with a friend and she has this huge MAC collection, so of course, we stopped in MAC to buy her a new lipstick. Then she convinced me to try a new colour, so I asked the shop assistent to help me pick a colour. The first she put on my lips was called 'Captive', and I really liked this one.

But I also wanted to try another one, so she gave me something different, and that was 'Viva Glam Miley Cyrus', a limited edition lipstick that was sold for charity. Now I'm not a huge fan of Miley, but I really liked that packaging (I mean, it's pink, says it all), so I bought the two lipsticks. (It was one of those yolo-moments)

So that's it, that is my lipstick collection by MAC.
I hope you liked this blogpost :)


zaterdag 25 juli 2015

A new start

Hey everyone,

I know I haven't been writing lately, but that was because I had so much things to do for school. But since it's summerholiday at the moment, I decided I wanted to give this blog another try.
I'll try to upload a blog post every single week, but I'm not too sure if that's going to be possible. At least I'll just try my very best.

I hope you understand the situation, and if I don't get any readers, that's fine. I just do this for fun :)


zondag 22 februari 2015

Discovering American candy

A few weeks ago, a new candy shop opened its doors and because I'm a huge fan of candy (even though I try to be healthy) I decided to go and have a look in the shop. When I came there, I saw candy everywhere. It was like candy heaven OMG! Better than any other candy shops I've ever been! But one thing I noticed, is that there was so much candy that I had never seen before. Apparently it was not just any candy store, but one with mainly American candy. Since I was so curious about all that new candy, I decided to buy a few things to try. So here's what I bought:

Golden double stuf Oreo: The taste of these Oreo's is not much different from the original Oreo's, but hey, how cool are they? I mean, they're GOLDEN!

Birthday cake Oreo: I didn't know what to expect with these very fancy Oreo's, but I liked the look of them so much, that I couldn't resist buying them, even though it's not even my birthday ;) I can definitely recommend these Oreo's. They smell a bit funny but they're delicious!

Pop tarts: Chocolate chip cookie dough: I watch quite often Youtubers and a lot of them recently tried these Pop tarts. And I can understand why. They're soooo yummie!! I wish I bought more of them (I'll definitely go back to the candy shop to buy more).

Rainbow Nerds (Wonka): First of all I fell in love with this packaging. I mean, look at it, so colorful, it almost screams: "Buy me!!" So I did, but not only for the packaging, also because it's from Wonka. It reminded me of the movie 'Charlie and the chocolate factory', which was one of my favorite movies when I was younger. I tasted the candy, and I'm not too sure if I like it. I mean, it's not bad, but it simply tastes like nothing but sugar, and I like sugar, but I also like it when candy has a (artificial) taste of something else but sugar.

But overall, I'm so happy with this candy shop. It'll definitely be one of my most visited shops in the future. For those who are interested in the shop, its name is: 'Hearts and Flowers'.


maandag 9 februari 2015

Love Lush

Last weekend, I went into Lush because I heard a lot of good things about the store so I wanted to see myself how good it was. When I stepped into the store, I immediately fell in love with everything. I had never seen so many colourful things in one little shop. Because it's almost Valentine's day, there were some limited edition product which also looked soooo good. Because I definitely couldn't leave without buying something, I went on a search for the best-smelling product. I end up buying a few things...

This very gorgeous looking thing is called: Unicorn Horn Bubble Bar. As the name says, it's a bubble bar. You just break off a piece and crumble it under the streaming water into your bath. Your bath will be full bubbles and colours. This Unicorn Horn also has the tiniest bit of glitter in it so when you get out of the bath, you'll shine, but not over the top. It's perfect when you have to go to a party, but it's also very calming, so a nice idea before bedtime. The smell of this bubble bar is amazing. It has lavender in it, but also neroli oil and Ylang Ylang oil. The combination of these three smells is just magical.

The next thing I bought is this huge bathbomb called Avobath. This very freshsmelling, green bathbomb is perfect to start the day with. It smells like lemongrass and bergamot oils, but it also has avocado and olive oil in it, which makes your skin less dry. I haven't tried this one yet, but I can't wait to use it because it smells soooo yummie.

This next one is also a bubble bar. I picked up the blue one, but there are also three other colours: pink, white and green. They all have the same smell but I thought this one looked the nicest. It has a very fresh smell because it's all citrus oils: mandarin, lemon and bergamot. I absolutely love this kind of smells, a little fruity, but still very fresh.

Last thing I picked up is this shampoo bar. I never heard of a shampooBAR before, because I always use liquid shampoo, but I just couldn't resist the amazing smell of this one so I bought it to give it a try. This bar has argan oil in it, which is so good for your hair when it's dry and it makes it shine again. The argan oil in combination of lemon oil, geranium oil and rose absolute makes the perfect smell. I could smell it the whole day without getting tired of it.
Now you probably wonder how on earth this bar can be used as shampoo (at least that's what I thought when I first saw it), but it's very simple: you make your hair wet, then you rob the bar about three times over your hair and then you can wash your hair as you would normally do. It's so easy! And this shampoo bar is also very handy to pack when you go on holiday.

So, that were all the things I bought in Lush. I can't wait to use all these products, and to go another time to Lush to buy even more things :D


maandag 2 februari 2015

Smoothie time

A smoothie: it's easy, healthy and it doesn't take that much time to make it.
I know it's not really the perfect time of the year for fresh fruits, but a smoothie can always be made. Because fresh fruits are often quite expensive this time of the year, I buy fruits in the freezer. I know that sounds unhealthy but it actually isn't, because the fruits go in the freezer right after they were harvested so they don't lose any of the vitamins. You can buy these fruits in almost every supermarket.
The following recipe is just an example. You can use any fruit you like, but this one is my favorite at the moment.

What you'll need:
- A blender
- 1 banana (not from the freezer)
- 200 ml of apple juice
- 1 cup of raspberries (fresh or from the freezer)
- a few strawberries (fresh or from the freezer)

Just put all the fruits in your blender and the apple juice at the end. Blend it for a couple of seconds and you're already finished. If your smoothie is too thick, you can always add a little more apple juice till the smoothie is exactly how you want it.

The result should more or less look like this:

You can now try it yourself. Let me know in the comments if you liked it or not, and if I should do more of these easy and healthy recipes.


zaterdag 31 januari 2015

Primark makeup haul

So, yesterday I went shopping with my best friend. We went to Primark and there I discovered a whole new collection of makeup. I knew Primark had some beauty things like earrings, hairstuff and flowercrowns, but I didn't know they had makeup. Apparently it's a new thing for Primark, so I decided that I wanted to test some of the products.  

This is a blush I found, and I immediately fell in love with it. Not only because it's a beautiful pink, but it also comes in this very pretty golden packing AND it was only 2,5 euros. There was also a fuchsia pink but that was just too pink for me. I thought this was going to look very pretty on my cheeks. I can't wait to put it on.

Another thing I picked up was this very pretty bronzer. Before I bought this, I had only one bronzer but I don't really liked it because it absolutely doesn't match with my skin tone, so I hope this one will be better. It's brown, but it has this golden and silver stripes in it, so I think that will match perfectly. 

Because my face deserved a good mask, I decided to try something new by picking up this peel off mask with cucumber. Normally I always buy the same products, but I wanted to try something new. My skin is quite sensitive, so I don't know how I will react on this mask, but if it's good, I'm definitely going to buy more of those. It's only 1 euro?!! How is that even possible for a peel off - mask?? So yeah, I can't wait to try this one!

I recently stopped biting on my nails (yes I know, it's really bad, that's why I stopped, I realized how disgusting it actually is), and because I always bit my nails, they're very weak, and they can't grow because they always break when they're too long. So that's why I bought this thing. It's a nailpolish that strenghtens and protects the nails. I hope this will work to make my nails stronger and longer.

Till now, I always used a normal eyepencil, because I heard a lot of stories about how difficult it is to use a liner pen, but now, because it was only 2 euros, I decided to take the risk and learn how to use it. I haven't tried it yet, but I know for sure that it's going to take me a while before I can do a proper line on my eye. I'll let you know how that works out :)

This is just a concealer brush. I already have one, but when I'm too lazy to clean my brushes, it's always handy to have an extra brush, and it was so cheap that I didn't even hesitated to buy it. And it feels very soft, so yeah, I'm very happy with this!

Last but not least, I bought this moisturiser for only 2,50 euros. It's a fragrance free moisturiser with vitamin E in it. Because of my sensitive skin, I always have to make sure that my moistrisers are fragrance free and because my previous moistriser didn't work out, I bought this. I hope it's going to be a good one, because I'm desperate after the number of different moisturisers I already tried...

So that was everything I bought. I'll let you know if I liked the products or not, and why not. If these products are good, I'd definitely recommend to go to Primark and buy these beautystuff, because for this price, trying is worth it! You can buy a lot of Primark makeup for the same price as for example one mascara from Rimmel. It's a good idea for people who are just starting to use makeup and don't want to spend too much money on it.
